
The paper features the phenomenon of hating as a type of aggression in cyber communication and the features that define it as a specific form of cyber aggression. The paper reviews the main domestic and foreign scientific publications on the issue of hating. The authors defined such understudied aspects of this phenomenon as racial hate and described the object of cyber aggression, haters’ goals, hating triggers, etc. They also analyzed various interpretations of the concepts of hating and hater. The research objective was to correlate the content of the concept of hater and the stereotypical idea about it in the linguistic consciousness of Russian university students. The research was based on reactions obtained by a free associative experiment from 537 Russian students, who were asked to fill in an online questionnaire. The authors used the method of semantic analysis to divide the reactions into semantic groups and associative fields. The verbal reactions were also subjected to a semantic gestalt analysis. The study provided a model of the stereotypical image of a hater as seen by Russian students. The model takes into account the content, structure, and severity. The current image-stereotype of hater looks the following way: a hater is an insecure and envious person A, evil, bad, not very smart, and not quite psychologically healthy, who hates person B (as a rule, a public person) and envies them, wishes them evil, and sees them as an opponent, while expressing hatred and envy by means of Internet comments full of unreasonable hatred, envy, aggression, and negativity.

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