
The priority areas of import substitution in the agro-industrial complex and their prospects in the conditions of sanctions pressure, acting as a strategic factor in the development of the Russian economy, require extraordinary decisions from it. The purpose of this article is to consider the features of the implementation of import substitution in the agro-industrial complex in the country and the Volgograd region. The modern realities of economic development under sanctions are actively restructuring the activities of agricultural enterprises to comply with new rules. The current situation in the country is considered by representatives of agribusiness and the state not as a period of crisis, but, on the contrary, as a prospect for increasing their capabilities: the range of their own products is expanding, new customers are being attracted, the domestic market is aimed at providing high-quality goods of domestic production. In recent years, there has been an increase in production capacity in the agro-industrial complex; the results of the import substitution process are characterized by positive dynamics. Thus, the production complex for drying vegetables in the Volgograd region is a successful example of the implementation of the import substitution policy and proves the region’s potential in this area. The region has sufficient resources for long-term agricultural development. Timely measures taken to support the industry stabilized the situation in conditions of geopolitical tension, which allows us to assert the status of the region as one of the flagships of the Russian agro-industrial complex. The significant scale of involvement of the Russian economy in the global world does not allow the country to completely avoid import substitution. There is no urgent need and possibility of producing all goods; The question is raised about creating our own technologies, goods and services, which are critically important for the country and could become competitive. Therefore, in the near future, it is necessary to strengthen the role of the state from the position of searching for new high-quality partners, adopting appropriate legislative innovations that ensure sovereignty in this area, and increasing the financial component of support for farmers.

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