
This article summarizes the results of a study of the aggressive attitudes and emotional state of the students of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and Medical College “Y. Filaretova”. The current environment and conditions of crisis – social, energy, economic, political, cultural, spiritual, value, etc. instills the feeling of fear – fear of disease, fear of war, etc. The lack of morals and stable values, as well as the lack of statehood, unquestionably unlocks in man his worst qualities. Aggression is one of those qualities. The studied students answered two questionnaires, one containing 75 questions and the other 28. The analysis of the data shows that most of the students do not feel respected enough and consider that their rights are violated, but they tend not to respect and/or circumvent the rules, to “maneuver” and tolerate irresponsible behavior. A large number of students have aggressive attitudes and tend to hide them, but in general they are tense, unbalanced.

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