
The object of the work is the motivation of professional activity, its enhancement and stimulation. The subject are techniques and methods of psychological, educational, and other value-orienting activities aimed at the formation and provision of professional-relevant motivation. The purpose of the research is to establish and define the basis of professional motivation, consideration of applied and problem-oriented aspects and approaches to optimize problem solving, increase professional motivation. The research methodology represents a complex of general scientific and private scientific methods of scientific cognition: dialectic, historical legal, comparative legal, system analysis, formal logical, sociological, etc. motivation of professional activity. The use of the system analysis method contributed to determine the place of motivation among other factors determining the content of professional activity.
 The scientific novelty of the research is expressed in the obtained new knowledge as a result of the research by the author of the traditional doctrinal approach to the consideration of the main institutional and functional foundations of the existing system of professional motivation. The formulated main provisions of the work allow defining reasonable approaches to studying and analyzing the practice of organizing and ensuring the motivation of professional activity, form an idea of the place of motivation as one of the key elements of the system of preparation for professional activity at the present stage of existence and improve the system of personnel training, theory and practice of personnel work .

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