
The epidemiological situation of tuberculosis (TB) has been improving steadily in recent years however, in the structure of TB patients, there is a high proportion of patients with multidrugresistant/extensively drug-resistant (XDR) pathogens and people with HIV and TB co-infection. As a result, cases of TB disease in children with many risk factors for unfavorable outcome of therapy are recorded, leading to subsequent relapse. the aim of the work was to analyze possible causes of formation and structure of clinical forms of recurrence of TB in children. A retrospective analysis of outpatient cards and medical records of children of residents of the Leningrad region, who had a TB relapse, was carried out. It has been established that in Leningrad Oblast, there were 3 cases of recidivism of TB among children registered from 2011 to 2020. The main risk factor for the development of primary TB was the lack of immunization against TB due to perinatal contact with an HIV-infected mother. The provoking factors of TB relapse were the occurrence of exogenous superinfection of TB, the presence of HIV infection in the child, the presence of large residual changes after primary TB, close contact with a TB patient with an XDR of the causative agent.

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