
The article reflects a fragment of an experimental program for the formation of responsible fatherhood among modern parents. Based on the analysis of studies by J. Bowlby, A. Freud, E. Fromm, K Horney, E. Erickson; B.G. Anneva, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Dubanova, I.V. Dubrovina, E.P. Ilyina, M.I. Lisina, A.A. Reana, A.S. Spivakovskaya and many other scientists, and understanding parenthood as a complex complex education, which includes a set of value orientations of a parent, his attitudes, expectations, feelings and attitudes towards children, parental responsibility, as well as the style of raising children and interacting with them, namely the communi-cation of parents (in our case, fathers) with their children, we consider as the most important condition for the manifestation of responsible parenthood. Our study showed that for the majority of fathers, our pupils are characterized by minimal involvement in the process of raising their children and ineffective interaction with them. The conclusion made prompted us to single out as one of the basic topics of our developmental program the topic “Communication in a Child’s Life”, focused not only on the formation of a system of knowledge among dads in the field of the role of communication in the full development of preschool children, but also a system of skills and abilities to effectively interaction with their children, which, we believe, will not only optimize the relationship in the “father-child” system, but will also “make” their parenthood more conscious and responsible.

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