
The article, from the points of view of different groups of subjects of domestic higher education (society, the state, representatives of the vocational and pedagogical community of teachers, students and students), analyzes current ideas about the ideal teacher of an educational organization of higher education, which can serve as a guide for a modern university teacher in choosing the goals and content of his professional and personal growth. The results obtained as a result of theoretical analysis and empirical studies are summarized and systematized according to two groups of characteristics: business qualities and personal qualities of a university teacher. As the invariant professional and personal quality of the teacher, his continuous professional and personal growth (development) is distinguished. Based on the situational-environmental approach, the pedagogical design of personal-developing educational systems characterized two qualitatively different phases of the cycle of professional-personal development of the teacher: 1) the phase of its adaptation and independent activity in the educational environment of the university; 2) the phase of development of professional and personal position and innovative activities in the educational environment. The environmental stimuli and opportunities required by the teacher for development at each phase are considered. The risks of maladaptation of a specialist teacher corresponding to these phases have been identified and described, which should be eliminated by means of managerial pedagogical support and special design of elements of the educational environment.

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