
The purpose of the article to draw the attention of scientists and the public to an extremely relevant modern social and scientific problem that requires a monographic study, in-depth historical, political and philosophical analysis, development of theoretical foundations to the problem of moral trauma caused by forced emigration. It examines the problem of moral trauma of Ukrainians who were forced to emigrate to Canada after World War II, highlights the conflict between the individual and the inhumane ethics of the Soviet regime, between the morals of its social system and man; who found herself in a situation of cardinal moral choice life and play, life and exile in concentration camps, but rather physical abuse, even death. The price of moral choice, which led to intrapersonal conflict, is analyzed. An attempt is made to explore the essence of the above problem; to reconstruct the conflict of opposing social morals, different points of view on determining the value of each individual's life and understanding this value on the example of his destiny, to analyze its sociologization, adaptation in a new foreign language environment, in Canada, a country with tolerant ideology; rethinking of moral and psychological guidelines by the settler. It is noted that the problem of moral trauma of emigrants, even in emigrant studies, an interdisciplinary science in its concept, the object of study of which is emigration, "homo emigrans – one of the anthropological types (human aspects), such as homo socialis, homo oeconomicus, homo religiosus, homo politicus" remains so far out of the attention of scientists. Given that the problem of moral trauma of emigrants is open in science and the fact that emigrant studies is an interdisciplinary science, it is proposed to allocate an independent scientific field ¬ moral emigrant studies. The moral trauma caused by forced emigration from the homeland is presented in the article on the example of the fate of the famous Ukrainian poet, translator, scientist, editor Borys Oleksandrov (real name Borys Oleksandrovych Hrybinsky (July 21, 1921, Ruzhyn, Zhytomyr region, December 21, 1979, Toronto, the author of five poetry collections, humorous and satirical works, signed under the pseudonym Svirid Lomachka, articles scattered in various Canadian Ukrainian-language periodicals, and together with Yu. Slovo was the head of its Toronto branch, a member of the presidium of the New York Writers' Organization, and for almost twenty years the director of five Toronto libraries.

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