
Проведен анализ лесных пожаров на территории Иркутской области, выявлены причины возгорания и масштабного распространения пожаров. Предложен новый подход к решению проблемы тушения лесных пожаров, который заключается в применении комбинированной мобильной техники, позволяющей выполнять сельскохозяйственные и хозяйственные функции, а также функции пожаротушения. Рассмотрен один из вариантов такой техники на примере устройства для метания грунта и пробивания водой. Предложена модель для оценки необходимых для тушения сил и средств, учитывающая новый подход. Forest fires, as shown by the results of numerous studies, are a complex uncontrollable process that leads to significant material damage, changes in the ecosystem and soil erosion. The reason for such a large number of forest fires and significant damage is that a long time passes from the moment of detection and warning to the fire localization start. In most cases, the protection of nearby forest areas is carried out by residents of adjacent settlements (creation of mineralized belts and plowing of adjacent areas). But the available technical means that are located in remote settlements do not meet the requirements for intensive fire extinguishing and suppression in the shortest possible time. The carried out studies were related to a greater extent to model the control of the extinguishing intensity, taking into account the technical equipment and a certain extinguishing technology. The introduction of scientific research in relation to fire hazards in forest plantations determines the relevance of the results obtained. The main goal of this work was to study the effect on the fire intensity. Taking into account our proposed extinguishing technology, using a device for throwing soil and simultaneously water spilling, the impact intensity of each type of control actions on fire is set by a vector that is included into the natural fire model. Based on the results of the study there was determined a control action for fire extinguishing in the form of a vector, which would allow to control the impact intensity on a fire by each of the types of controlled factors. Particular attention was paid to special mobile technical appliances, which should include a unit for throwing soil and cutting reclamation strips in the aisles of coniferous forest plantations, as well as the required amount of fire extinguishing liquid with a motor pump for spilling fires. Technical hitch and fire fighting equipment must be aggregated with mini-tractors of sufficient power, which can move freely in the aisles of coniferous forest stands. The results obtained should be used to extinguish forest fires in remote settlements, to develop methods, technologies and methods for extinguishing such fires, allowing to reduce the intensity of fire spread. The proposed mathematical model allows to select the most significant control parameters to achieve the maximum function of the impact intensity on the fire. The use of technology with special ground throwers for timely response and cutting of militia strips working with general-purpose tractors, the creation of artificial reservoirs, near remote settlements will allow to reduce the area of fires as well as the damage from forest fires in the territories of remote settlements of Siberia.

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