
The flow of tourists not only contributes to an increase in the gross domestic product (hereinafter referred to as GDP) and contributes to the creation of jobs, but also has a beneficial effect on the social and cultural development of regional communities. The tourism industry occupies a leading position in terms of the number of services provided, has a significant impact on various activities, such as transport, hospitality, restaurant business and others. In addition, tourism is an important factor in the preservation of cultural heritage and the natural environment. Many tourist sites are unique monuments of architecture, history and culture that need to be preserved and protected. Much attention is paid to the environmental safety of tourist routes and facilities in order to preserve the natural resources of the region and prevent their destruction. Thus, the development of tourism is an important factor in the economic, social and cultural development of the regions. In the course of achieving the set goal and objectives, such research methods were used as a theoretical analysis of methodological literature, cultural symbolism, post-structuralism, analysis of the activities of the Tambov region region in the field of tourism. It is important to understand that any study conducted within the framework of the article helps to clarify and expand existing knowledge about subject of research, as well as to identify new patterns and relationships between phenomena and processes. The applied value of the obtained results is expressed in the fact that they can be used in various spheres of human life. Scientific research is applied everywhere to solve problems that may be related to health, technology, economics, ecology and other areas. Research in the field of economics makes it possible to predict the development of various sectors of the economy of the sphere and determine what measures need to be taken to improve the economic situation in the Tambov region. The results of scientific research are also used to create new business models and strategies that can help tourism companies to be competitive and successful.

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