
Any war, the war of aggression in particular, brings countless suffering: There is nothing worse than it, says the captured, the character of the novel by J. -P. Sartre "Iron in the soul", and it seems "chameleon", reminded Karl Clausewitz of the appearance of its new modules, always changes its color, i.e. nature. Today, when the first socio-cultural shock caused by the unprovoked attack of the Russians on Ukraine faded, it became clear that the so-called humandimensional side of the war, as well as the political side, has radically changed, "noble wars by rules" have gone in the past. With all the greed of destruction and suffering in the wars of the past, there was a rational aspect – to force the enemy’s troops to suffer defeat and take advantage of the “fruits of victory” on the seized territory. Aggressive attack by Russian federation on Ukraine since February 2022 in its anti-human essence surpassed all previous wars, because the weak regulators, which had the aim to limit brutal violence, were rejected. They refer to humanitarian law, noble morale, universal conscience, rules and traditions of the conduct of wars, according to which civilians and buildings are not the object of attack. The targeted murder of people for their belonging to Ukrainians, the torture of children, not only of the prisoners and hostages, the shooting of priests and doctors (not combatants), the threat to use nuclear weapons have shown the meanness of the aggressor, who as T. Adorno noted, established "the pure identification of Ukrainians and death in torment". Philosophical logical and rational tools do not allow expressing the moral depth of existential threats, so it is better to use symbolic form. In particular, the symbol "Auschwitz" was used by the culturologists and philosophers of Europe after the end of the Second World, and now the names of the Ukrainian cities "Buсha", Mariupol (Azovstal) are being used to mark the Ukrainian unrivaled fight against the aggressors and the impersonal pain of thousands people tortured by Russian soldiers. The military and political authorities of the aggressor state and its silent performers have given birth to the “banality of evil” characteristic of the Nazis, fascists of Europe and the East’s militarists in the Second World War, which lead to the millions of murders and the transformation of a persona into the smoke of Auschwitz. The new symbols "Mariupol" and "Azovstal" engraved the unprecedented cruelty and anti-humanity of the enemy, as well as the imminent punishment of his crimes through a common human judgment, the operation of the International Criminal Tribunal, the revenge of a just and comprehensive resistance to Russian invaders.

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