
The paper is devoted to the consideration of apocalyptic motifs in the theoretical and musical heritage of Nikolai Karlovich Medtner, one of the greatest Russian composers and pianists of the early XX century. The aim of the study is to shed light on the features of N. K. Medtner’s reception of the musical art of the late XIX – early XX century. The scientific novelty of the study lies in revealing the aesthetic position of the composer in the context of the surrounding musical space. As a result of the study, it has been found that the topic of the present and future of music was a source of serious concern for N. K. Medtner, who was aware of the sharp edge between musical epochs, the shifting of huge artistic plates, the change of values and language. Searching for the main pressure points of the new art, he remained faithful to the ethical essence of music, warning composers against artistic madness, flush of novelty and lack of faith, which made Nikolai Medtner a unique and even prophetic figure in the history of global musical culture.

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