
Since the mid of 1980s, soft power has become the most important instrument of foreign policy and international relationships of the policies of leading countries. In this regard, the leadership belongs to the United States. This mechanism was used by the USSR towards countries of the Warsaw Treaty and the Mutual Economic Assistance Council. This mechanism was actively used in the relationships with Mongolia not only in economy, but also in social sphere – education, science, art, health service and veterinary medicine. Today this problem is gradually finding a solution in the legal consolidation of soft power in Russian foreign policy, an institutional approach to the use of soft power tools in Russian foreign policy and the presence of digital diplomacy, that is Internet channels as soft power tools.


  • The leadership belongs to the United States

  • This mechanism was used by the USSR towards countries of the Warsaw Treaty and the Mutual Economic Assistance Council

  • This mechanism was actively used in the relationships with Mongolia in economy, and in social sphere – education, science, art, health service and veterinary medicine

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ДИССЕРТАЦИОННЫЕ СОЧИНЕНИЯ О Монголии Как проявление «Мягкой силы» в российскомонгольских отношениях (на материалах диссертационного совета при имбт со ран) «мягкая сила» стала важнейшим инструментом внешней политики и международных отношений ведущих держав. Наиболее полно механизм «мягкой силы» был задействован в отношениях с Монголией, причем не только в экономике, но и в социальной сфере – образовании, науке, искусстве, здравоохранении и ветеринарии.

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