
Recently, much attention has been paid by grassland farmers to the problem of extending the productive longevity of grasslands of the pasture type. Field studies were carried out on the agropolygon of FGBNU VNIIMZ in the period from 2012 to 2018. The object of research was pasture grass stands created on the basis of pasture ryegrass (Loliurn perenne) and inter-genera festulolium hybrid (× Festulolium F. Aschers. Et Graebn). Two, three, and four species of grass mixtures with various leguminous and cereal herbs were studied in the experiment. The types and varieties of herbs were selected taking into account their potential productivity and sustainable longevity in the conditions of drained soils. Ryegrass grazing VIC 66, festulolium VIC 90, alfalfa changeable (Medicago varia Nakhodka), lotus horned (Lotus cornilatus Sun), creeping clover (Trifolium repens) VIC 70, red fescue (Festuca rubra) Sigma, red clover (Trifolium pratense) VIC 7, timothy grass (Phleum pratense L.) VIC 9, meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) Sakharovskaya were used in the experiments. It has been shown that in the conditions of drained lands, such species as red fescue, alfalfa changeable, horned deer can be attributed to perennial grasses with a competitive advantage for long-term sustained production in multicomponent pasture agrophytocenoses. It has been established that the introduction of additional leguminous species into the grass mixture (alfalfa changeable and lotus horned) increases the period of use and increases the yield of a green mass of grass stands. Over the years of research (2013–2018), the highest average yield of green mass was obtained by grass stands with alfalfa variable and young horned — 24.5–28.2 t/ha, which exceeds the traditional grass mixture by 3.5–7.2 t/ha.

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