
The paper considers a method for depositing concrete mixtures into massive structures, which provides a favorable thermo-stressed concrete state. The thermo-stressed state was assessed according to the temperature gradient arising during thermo-curing along the cross-section of a prismatic structure with a surface modulus of 3.1 m–1. The paper analyzes domestic and foreign literature on the maximum allowable values of the temperature gradient and recommends accounting for the influence of the structural reinforcement ratio on allowable temperature gradients along the reinforcement cross-section. It also discusses other means of achieving a favorable thermo-stressed state of concrete studied in previous works. The paper presents the unsatisfactory results of a computer simulation of temperature distribution without concrete mixture layering. These results show the necessity of using effective set retarding admixes to ensure concrete layering without the formation of construction joints. Layering the concrete distributes the heat release process over time and reduces its peak values due to a smaller amount of cement in each layer compared to continuous layering of the entire volume.

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