
In this work research are considered, the results of the effectiveness of fertilizers’ the use of fertilizers on the growth processes of seedlings of the common viburnum 'Taiga Ruby' are considered. The influence of fertilizers on the viburnum root system volume of the root system of the viburnum has been reliably proven (82%). The most effective fertilizer was Osmocote Exact Standard (80.72 ml). Fertilizer Complex fruit and berry Complex (30.88 ml) turned out to be less effective (30.88 ml). The effect of fertilization on the average length of branches (72%) was estimated. The most effective fertilizer was Osmocote Exact Standard (18.8 ml). Fertilizer OMU fruit t and berry (9.4 ml) turned out to be less effective. Keywords: VIBURNUM, GROWING, SEEDING MATERIAL, FERTILIZERS, TAIGA RUBIES

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