
In late 19th century Japan, under the banner of “Wakonyosai,” which emerged as a slogan, the attitude to adhere “Wakon” (Japanese Spirit) continued, while the practice of “yosai” (Western Learning) to accept Western science and technology continued in fields of industry and military. After the Meiji Restoration, it was prioritized above all to achieve the national tasks of FukokuKyohei (rich country, strong army), and “ShokusanKogyou (encouragement of new industry)”. Foreign employment was the preferred method of introducing Western technology, that is yosai. However, foreign employment did not begin after the Meiji Restoration. From the late Edo period to the Meiji period, many foreigners came to Japan, and the majority of them were invited and hired by the new government of Meiji from Europe or America, which they called “hired foreigners” and helped build Meiji Japan as a modern state in many ways. If one wants to review Japan's modernization, one must look at the achievements or roles of these “hired foreigners”. In other words, the historic existence of the “hired foreigners” shows one aspect of the important character of the Meiji Restoration and Japan's modernization. From the end of the Edo period to the end of the Meiji period, when the country was under external pressure, this article examines the activities and lives of “hired foreigners” to understand one aspect of Japan's modernization process while also taking a look at Japan's way of embracing foreign culture.

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