
The functioning of the financial potential of construction organizations is accompanied by complex processes of its formation and growth, which become possible only with an optimal structure of financial resources and associated capabilities of the economic entity to meet its short-term and long-term obligations (formed within the framework of future and current liquidity and solvency) and achieve an acceptable level of profit for each hryvnia of invested equity (formed within the framework of the profitability of equity). Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify methods and techniques for balancing the process of forming and increasing the financial potential in construction organizations. The study highlights the fact that the systematic approach to managing the financial potential of construction organizations focuses on achieving its high level, which entails establishing the right balance between financial resources, created opportunities, and factors involved. It is argued that the format of the balance is determined by various approaches to management implementation, including: goal-oriented approach; process approach; systemic approach; situational approach; structural approach; functional approach; market approach; production approach; value-based approach. It is noted that it is important to choose approaches to financial potential management that allow for the implementation of the principles of modern effective management. The study of the characteristics of balancing the formation and growth of financial potential has led to the observation that these processes require an optimal structure of financial resources and associated capabilities of construction organizations to meet their obligations and ensure an acceptable level of profit. It has been demonstrated that it is important to establish a set of interconnected methods and techniques for balancing the formation and growth of financial potential, taking into account the differences arising from the variety of approaches to implementing the concept of effective management. The prospects for further research lie in identifying specific areas and rules for balancing components that direct and ensure the proper flow of processes in forming and increasing financial potential.

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