
The study of the problem of professional training of future educators to work with the families of combatants acquires universal relevance, because it is designed in a special way to study issues of the development of the communicative competence of an individual. The article, based on scientific sources, reveals the professional training of future educators to work with families of combatants. The psychological and pedagogical studies of outstanding scientists were analyzed, in which it was stated that an important task of modern professional education is the training of specialists capable of contributing to the implementation of the state-societal approach to the development of the educational space, the integration of social institutions into the solution of priority socio-economic issues. It was found that an integral component of professional education is the professional training of future educators, which is interpreted by scientists as an objectively existing learning process (teaching and learning), assimilation of professional general pedagogical and methodical knowledge by the future teacher, development of relevant skills and abilities of the student during pedagogical practice; formation of his needs for self- education, self-improvement and self-realization; achieving for this purpose the unity of pedagogical theory and practice, fundamentality and mobility, scientificity and cultural relevance of professional knowledge. It is also stated that communication, which plays an important role in working with such families, is a necessary component of the future educator's professional activity for working with families of combatants. The individual approach to communication, which the future educator carries out, requires in-depth study and knowledge of each family member, his psychological and psychophysical features. The diagnostic methods used with children are presented, in particular: the children's version of the Wechsler test; "cards" of the three-fold Amen; children's version of the Rosenzweig method; children's version of the Eysenck personality questionnaire; R. Zhil's sociometric method; picture tests; technique of unfinished sentences; the Diembo-Rubinstein method.

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