
The article examines the problems of managing the functioning and development of higher education institutions of Ukraine (HEIs). The importance of research work in improving the scientific and educational process of higher education institutions is emphasized. The principle of formation of scientific environment is analyzed. The need for the formation of scientific and research competences among higher education graduates in order to activate scientific activity and increase its effectiveness is substantiated. Factors of economic development of the state are considered, among which education, science and culture play a key role. Negative factors in education and science that inhibit the development of science in Ukraine are studied. A detailed analysis of the factors of funding of science, the turnover of scientific personnel, and the measurement of scientific productivity of a scientist is provided. The general principles and features of the formation of academic culture in the scientific environment of universities are defined. Academic integrity is considered as a set of behavioral scientific patterns in the scientific environment. The main measures of state support of university science, which should be anticipatory in nature, are outlined. The influence of science and the products of its commercialization on the quality of training of specialists in higher education institutions is studied. The systemic interaction of the institutional subjects of the growth of the national economy is analyzed: the state – business – institutions of higher education. The trend of business development directions and prospects for the development of education and science have been determined. The Comprehensive Program "Science" for the faculty of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, which focuses on two vectors of functioning and development – scientific and applied and commercialization of scientific research of the departments – has been presented and substantiated. The scientific and educational content of the vectors of research work of the departments is substantiated – practical significance of research results, commercialization of scientific research, cooperation with stakeholders. The components and levels of scientific activity of the departments are outlined – scientific activity of NPPs, grantees, international scientific cooperation, scientific reputational capital of the department. The constituent elements of each level of scientific activity, which are currently the determining parameters of the effectiveness of the scientific activity of the departments, are revealed and detailed.

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