
The use of the mechanism of regional competitiveness enhancement is to maintain and strengthen the region's resource, intellectual, social and human capital. The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of using artificial neural networks for forecasting indicators of competitiveness, which have a direct impact on subsystems and elements of competitiveness of regions. The practical application of the method of learning artificial neural networks allows you to predict the scenarios of the development of the indicator, confidence intervals, and the amount of the forecasting error. The analysis data can be used in planning the strategic development of the region, studying trends in indicators. The use of software greatly facilitates and simplifies the process of calculations and allows you to obtain data in graphical and calculated form, which is a necessary condition for the interpretation and analysis of data by economists. Forecasting regional competitiveness indicators with the help of neural networks allows testing, obtaining several forecast results and evaluating the forecast results by calculating the average error. Comparison of the obtained values of the calculated average error allows you to choose the forecasting result that is the most acceptable and possible for further use. Taking into account the values of forecast indicators of the region's competitiveness is necessary when planning the region's development strategy, when choosing strategic priorities and initiatives, emphasis is placed on achieving the forecast values of the «markers» of the strategy. Using the example of the indicator of the gross regional product of the region, calculations of the forecast of changes in the indicator were carried out using the Statistica software by the method of artificial neural network modeling. The gross regional product is an indicator chosen for analysis due to certain of its strong positive aspects: universality of the comparative base, availability of statistical data, economic sense. The study of competitiveness requires an understanding of the prospects for the development of its indicators, since their management affects the overall indicator. Competitiveness forecasting makes it possible to create a prognostic scenario of the development of both competitiveness factors, its components, and the object of research in general. However, the use of forecasting tools requires knowledge of certain nuances that accompany forecasting: peculiarities of using software tools, checking the forecast by calculating the standard error, etc.

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