
<p><strong><em>The purpose of the study</em></strong><em> is to identify and characterize the trends in the formation of functional, genre-thematic features of the Ukrainian book press «Friend of the Reader», published at the turn of XX–XXI centuries, and its promotional potential.</em></p><p><strong><em>Research methodology</em></strong><em>. The study used a set of methods, including: historical – to determine the nature of the transformation of the press as an object of study in Ukrainian journalism, to reconstruct the Ukrainian history of the formation of the press of this type (book press); contextual – to determine the influence of socio-political, cultural, market factors on the formation of the system of thematic and rubric complexes of the newspaper «Friend of the reader»; content analysis with elements of discursive analysis – to establish the interdependence between the typological characteristics and the rubrication organization of the press, their content; to outline and interpret an array of texts of different genres and different topics, on the basis of which the main trends in the formation of the then literary and publishing process and the book market in general are considered; comparative – for the analysis of the years of the book newspaper «Friend of the reader» of different years; descriptive-analytical – to identify the factors characteristic of the journalistic way of reflecting on the defining phenomena and processes of the then book market; system – to determine the place of the analyzed magazine in the system of book periodicals, book periodicals in the system of the then Ukrainian press in general, their role in forming the foundation for modern thematically specialized media.</em></p><p><strong><em>Results. </em></strong><em>Observations and conclusions presented in the scientific publication deepen the understanding of the principles of functioning of press mass media of book topics in Ukrainian society, can serve as a theoretical basis for studying the general picture of the formation of modern Ukrainian cultural periodicals. Of particular interest is the study of the newspaper «Reader’s Friend» in the context of not a specialized press, and a magazine designed for a wide range of readers with a specific thematic focus, with a focus on cultural and educational function.</em></p><p><em>The affiliation of the newspaper «Friend of the Reader» to the book press is substantiated (grounds: specialization in complex book topics as one of the areas of cultural and educational journalism; appeal to a wide readership (non-professionals and professionals) with a strong focus on a particular type of information product (bibliophiles).</em></p><p><strong><em>Novelty.</em></strong><em> In the article within the terminological system of journalism we introduce the concept of «book press» as a set of specialized print media (press releases), the defining criterion of specialization of which is chosen thematic focus, in contrast to common in journalism interpretation of «specialized press» as a professional field. «Book» means press releases (in particular, on the example of the newspaper «Friend of the Reader»), specializing in covering a wide range of issues related to the functioning of the book in society.</em></p><p><strong><em>Practical significance</em></strong><em>. The tendencies common for the outlined array of press releases are revealed: movement towards massification, as a result – expansion of readership, transition to pop format, combination of socio-communicative functions aimed at meeting the needs of different focus groups (information, literary, cultural, educational, relaxation); the intensification of advertising and promotional functions in the conditions of formation of the Ukrainian mass media market is indicated. The results of the study can be used for further research and in the educational process in the training of future journalists, advertisers, specialists in the field of social communications.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> book press, press media, professional magazine, cultural journalism, readership, target audience.</em></p>

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