
The article presents the comparative-typological analysis of the artistic systems of Sergei Yesenin and Rainer Maria Rilke. The author considers the motif and image parallels, states and proves the hypothesis that the creative search of the poets is typologically correlated in a number of artistic parameters, including the nature of the lyrical character, the specificity of the metaphorical imagery, pantheistic sense of nature, confessionalism, the specific character of lyrical reflection. The poetic world view in the lyrics of Yesenin and Rilke is largely based on the model of the world as a temple. The similarity between the lyrists can be also seen in the principles of their artistic thinking. The assertion of universal connection of natural phenomena is based on the “philosophy of omniscience”, on the idea of the interreversibility of the world-tree and man-tree, macrocosm and microcosm. The spiritual and aesthetic closeness of the two poets at certain stages of their creative development is motivated by the conceptual significance of the “Russian experience” in Rilke’s artistic world perception and work. The poets were close to each other in their artistic search as they met the objective aesthetic needs of the verbal world art in the formation of a new poetic language, in strengthening the role of expressive metaphor, in the return to myth on the basis of its individual-author rethinking, in finding the lost unity of man with the natural space and its divine originality.

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