
The article substantiates the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence of future legalscholars in the conditions of the modern informational and educational environment of higher educationinstitutions. The essence and structural components of the educational and informational environment of highereducational institutions and its possibilities of forming the professional competence of future legal specialistsare analyzed.The purpose of the article is to determine the components of the information and educationalenvironment of higher educational institutions, which will provide conditions for the effective formation ofprofessional competence of future legal scholars.Based on the results of the analysis of scientific sources, we have that scientists consider the educationaland informational environment of higher education institutions to be effective, which necessarily contains thefollowing structural components: spatial-subject, social and psychological-methodical. Taking into accountthe specific conditions for the formation of professional competence of future legal specialists, the informationand educational environment of higher educational institutions created for this purpose should be characterizedby the following possibilities: openness, the possibility of expansion, scalability, integration, adaptability,resource redundancy. Based on the results of research, it has been proven that an effective information andeducational environment of higher education institutions should ensure: access of students: to educationalmaterials, programs of disciplines (modules), practices, to publications of electronic library systems andelectronic educational resources; recording: the course of the educational process, the results of students'educational achievements and the growth of the level of professional competence of students; formation of:20electronic portfolio of the future specialist; effective interaction: between all participants of the educationalprocess, in particular synchronous and (or) asynchronous learning.Considering the complexity and multifacetedness of the chosen topic, we consider the need for furthertheoretical research and their practical implementation to be the perspectives of scientific exploration.

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