
Goal. To determine and investigate the features of optimizing the nutrition of plants of commercially attractive crops using nano-fertilizers on different agrochemical backgrounds. Methods. Lysimetric — to carry out stationary experiment, laboratory — to determine the qualitative indicators, computational — to make an economic evaluation of crop production, mathematical-statistical — to determine the reliability of the results of scientific research. NanoMineralis RK and Nagro nano-fertilizers were used for foliar fertilization of crop rotations. Results. The results of lysimetric studies of the influence of plant nutrition optimization on soil biological activity indicators, nutrient utilization coefficients, the yield of corn, soybean, sunflower, lupine, and productivity of 5-field short-rotary crop rotation obtained during 2016–2020 are presented. It is established that the intensity of CO2 release directly depends on the entry of organic matter into the soil. The combination of the mineral fertilizer system and foliar fertilization of crops with nano-fertilizers (due to the additional entry into the soil of root and crop residues of plants) caused an increase in the soil of biological activity by 8–15% compared to the mineral background. The use of nano-fertilizers promoted more efficient use of nutrients from mineral fertilizers (on average by 26–30%) than without foliar fertilization. The combined use of an alternative regenerative fertilizer system (by-products of the predecessor, green mass of green manure), N62R60K78, and nano-fertilizers provided a high level of crop rotation productivity: harvesting of grain units — 60.1–61.1, feed units — 101.8-103.3, digestible protein — 7.6–7.62 c/ha. Conclusions. Optimization of plant nutrition on low-fertile sod-podzolic soils should combine a holistic set of measures: agrotechnical, organizational (crop rotation), agrochemical (liming, use of all available local organic materials for fertilizer, use of modern mineral fertilizers, and innovative products for foliar fertilization). The deficiency of nutrients in the critical phases of crop development should be overcome by the use of nano-fertilizers in the system of foliar feeding of plants. The combination of mineral fertilizers (N62R60K78 per 1 ha of crop rotation area), by-products and nano-fertilizers of the new generation (NanoMineralis RK and Nagro) increase the biological activity of the soil, nutrient utilization factors from soil and fertilizers, which provides corn grain yield at the level of 9.30–9.43 t/ha, soybeans — 2.54–2.62, sunflower — 2.70–2.73, lupine — 2.83 t/ha, which is 18.5–24.1% higher than at the use of the mineral system of fertilization.


  • 1, 3 – 5кандидати сільськогосподарських наук 6доктор сільськогосподарських наук, професор 1 – 4Інститут сільського господарства Полісся НААН Київське шосе, 131, м.

  • Виявити та дослідити особливості оптимізації живлення рослин комерційно привабливих культур за використання нанодобрив на різних агрохімічних фонах.

  • Для позакореневого підживлення культур сівозміни використовували нанодобрива Нано-Мінераліс РК і Nagro.

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1, 3 – 5кандидати сільськогосподарських наук 6доктор сільськогосподарських наук, професор 1 – 4Інститут сільського господарства Полісся НААН Київське шосе, 131, м. Виявити та дослідити особливості оптимізації живлення рослин комерційно привабливих культур за використання нанодобрив на різних агрохімічних фонах. Для позакореневого підживлення культур сівозміни використовували нанодобрива Нано-Мінераліс РК і Nagro.

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