
The article highlights the problem of republishing the Regional Dictionary of Vyatka Dialects: to combine disparate issues, after additional editing, or to model the dictionary in a new way? The lexicographic method itself, applied to a large source base, “dictates” a set of parameters for constructing a dictionary entry and the choice of the addressee of the dictionary -an ordinary resident of the Vyatka region. The aim of the article is to describe new approaches to modeling the system plan of vocabulary and phraseology. The new approaches concern: (1) the identification and connection of variants of words previously located in different volumes; (2) the introduction of references to synonyms, the presentation of synonymous series; (3) a new principle for the presentation of phraseological units; (4) a unified presentation of prepositional-case combinations. For example, the analysis revealed variants: orabukha -arabukha, boltuzit’ - voltuzit’, kopyrza - chupyrza, matrosit’ - patrosit’, spishnik - naspishnik. All units of the synonymous series denote one concept, belong to the same part of speech, have the same compatibility, the same stylistic connotation. At the same time, they are based on different structural elements, on different images, cf., for example: podvoloka, golubnitsa, nadyzbitsa, poneb ’e - “attic”. Synonymous series were introduced to different parts of speech, for example, the category of state: birko, oz’abno, I’uto - “cold”. New principles for the presentation of phraseological units by their main component made it possible to collect all nominations with somatic components, with components that include attributes of color, of pets and animals, etc. Thirteen phraseological units with the component heart are presented, for example: v odno serdtse - “together, with love”, serdtse zaimet’- ‘”to harbor a grudge against someone”, serdtse iznesti - “to take anger out on someone”. Information about festive traditions in peasant culture gives stable combinations with the nominal component song: gulevye, dolgie, korotkije, krugovye, pl’askovye, poezhanskie, sloevye, tantsovye. The lexicographic representation of prepositional-case combinations was unified and substantiated. As a result of the introduction of a new modeling of the system plan of vocabulary and phraseology, the Regional Dictionary of Vyatka Dialects acquires the features of an alphabetic-word family dictionary that illustrates the word-creating energy of dialect speakers and reveals the peculiarities of the linguistic picture of the world of the Vyatka peasantry. The author declares no conflicts of interests.

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