
The purpose of the study was to analyze the adaptive response of girls’ organisms to sawtooth physical exercise at the specific ontogenesis stages according to the heart rate dynamics. Materials and methods. The girls of four age groups from 7 to 22 years old took part in the study under condition of the original model of dosed sawtooth physical exercise. The following methods were used: method of theoretical analysis and general conclusion of scientific and methodical literature, surveys, anthropo-physiometry, oral survey of overall health of the girls under research, cycle ergometry, arterial tonometry, electrocardiography, variation pulsometry, statistical methods of research results processing. Results and discussion. We have received new original results, since we used methods adapted exclusively by K. D. Ushynsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University (Odesa) which have no equals in the world science. According to the anthropo-physiometric indices the girls under research do not reliably differ from their peers according to the standards of the Odesa region. The peculiarities of heart rate dynamics to sawtooth physical exercises (closed cycle) is characterized by the increase in economization and improvement of circulatory system regulation and is expressed by the decrease of sphygmic reaction during different stages of work, relative stabilization of inertial system in response to changed exercise direction, strengthening of vagal and cholinergic influences in the regulation of noncardiac function with age which provides higher level of working capacity for older girls (p<0.001). Under these conditions sphygmic cost of the work performed increased by 2.65 times (p<0.001) from 476.36 ± 26.46 heart beats at the age of 7–8 to 1262.21 ± 50.79 heart beats at the age of 21–22 with the average heart rate consistently the same for all age groups (p>0.05) for the entire testing period. To spread and implement the methodology we have come with estimated standardized tables on functioning capabilities of 14–15-year-old girls under research. Conclusion. We have found that with the completion of biological, namely pubertal development of girls, the reactions of the supporting and regulatory systems to sawtooth physical exercise become more adequate. With age, the dynamics of the heart rate of girls under research is characterized by a decrease in its initial values, reactivity, the degree of increase in response to an increase in physical exercises, the establishment of inertness range and better current recovery during testing. Received data on physical capability as an integral criterion of functioning capabilities shows its increase with age (p<0.001) and improvement of mobilization mechanisms of adaptations reserves. The information value and compliance with the requirements of test standardization of the sawtooth change in physical exercises and heart rate indices during its performance under the conditions of their individual evaluation were confirmed

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