
Abstract. The article analyzes the conceptual foundations for modeling the development of the components of the investment potential of agricultural production, which make it possible to comprehensively evaluate the relevant indicators in order to timely determine, for agricultural entities, priority investment-attractive innovative projects for the future development of the production sphere.It also reflects the development of forecasting models among the mathematical and economic apparatus, which are based on the determination of the stochastic relationship between indicators of trend and cluster analysis, methods of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, models of synergistic and differentiated equations of the logistic type, integral methods, etc. The article develops a classification of criteria for the effectiveness of organizational and economic state regulation of agricultural production.For the analysis of factors, a list of external factors that influence the emergence of structural changes in agricultural production of Ukraine, determining the degree of importance, strength of influence and its direction, based on expert assessment, was formulated. Factors that affect the effectiveness of agricultural production are systematized according to the relevant groups: the level of support through special regimes and mechanisms of taxation, the share of capital investments provided in their total volume to agricultural production, the dynamics of foreign investments, the share of bank loans provided in their total volume.The scientific approach to assessing the effectiveness of state regulation of the development of the investment potential of agricultural production has been improved, based on a combination of deductive and inductive approaches that reflect analytical and synthetic aspects of the analysis and ensure coverage of all aspects of the investment activity of agricultural entities

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