
Introduction. Problems of defining the es- sence and role of humanitarian knowledge as a leading factor in forming personality of the future doctor remain relevant today. Reformation of higher medical education and new educational standards require high quality specialists in the field of medicine. Modern scientists are actively searching for forms and methods aimed at solving problems of improving the level of professional, humanitarian and foreign language training of the university students. The use of interactive methods of teaching can solve these problems. Case-method is considered to be one of such methods. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically and to develop practically pedagogical conditions for the use of interactive methods of teaching foreign language for professional purposes at the medical univer- sity. Case method is considered to be an example of such use. Results. The process of foreign language teaching takes place when studying, so we have chosen pedagogi- cal conditions among the types of existing conditions. We define pedagogical conditions as a set of reasons influencing the effectiveness of case-method use when foreign language teaching. The dynamics of didactic capabilities of case-method in the positive direction is impossible without conditions associated with organization, methodology and technolo- gy of the teaching process. That is why the pedagogical conditions for the use of case-method in teaching English for professional purposes at the medical university should be aimed at improving the content of the subject and the process of its learning. To carry out the theoretical analy- sis of the conditions we have justified the essence, func- tions and relationships of the conditions. Having analyzed pedagogical literature and carried out special questioning, we could pick out procedural and substantial conditions. Originality. It is proved that a set of pedagogical con- ditions, which are divided into procedural and substan- tial, provides the effectiveness of the use of case-method in the process of teaching English for professional purpos- es at the medical university. To the group of procedural conditions we refer the following: increasing students’ motivation to learn English; combination of case-method with other methods used in teaching English for profes- sional purposes; development of methodological support of the discipline as well as individual topics where case-method is used; changing the nature of relations in the system “teacher-student”. To the substantial conditions we refer the following: selection of the content of the disci- pline taking into account professional motives of students, their interests, needs and goals; structuring the content of the educational material; development and implementa- tion of the content of practical classes, which combine the use of case-method with traditional methods of teaching English. A detailed analysis of each condition was performed. It has been proven that implementation of the conditions – increasing students’ motivation to learn English and se- lection of the content of the discipline taking into account professional motives of students, their interests, needs and goals – helps to resolve the contradiction between the insufficient level of English language mastering and the lack of motives. Implementation of the second procedural condition – combination of case-method with other meth- ods used in teaching English – contributes to moderniza- tion and improvement of existing methods of teaching English. This condition is related to the relevant substantial conditions – structuring the content of the educational material and development and implementation of the content of practical classes, which combine the use of case-method with traditional methods of teaching English. Particular attention is paid to the methodological support of classes where case-method is implemented, as well as the fourth procedural condition which requires the change the nature of relations in the system “teacher-student”. Conclusion. The potential of case-method in teaching English for professional purposes at the medical universi- ty is great. It contributes not only to their professional knowledge, but also to the mental, moral and motivational development of the future doctors. It helps to form their qualifications such as ability to analyze and diagnose the problems, to express their point of view, to discuss and evaluate a variety of information.

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