
As a result of the rapid development of IT technologies, a new stage of development of the financial services market has begun, which is characterized by extremely high dynamics of financial flows. In Ukraine, an integral part of the development strategy of banking and other credit and financial institutions was the development and implementation of high-tech financial instruments and products to dynamically develop the domestic financial services market and ensure financial flow management in e-business systems, especially electronic payment market. The high dynamics of the payment card market is due to the fact that since 2000 the popularity of electronic payment instruments in Ukraine has grown rapidly due to the convenience and efficiency of their use by consumers, and close connection with the development of the relevant infrastructure. However, since 2015, due to the occupation of Crimea and Donbass by the Russian Federation, as well as the beginning of the reform of the banking system of Ukraine, the number of banks participating in payment systems has decreased, primarily due to loss of territory and reduction in the number of banks and the number of electronic payment holders. The same dynamics was observed for electronic means of payment in circulation. The development of the market of electronic payment systems and their instruments in Ukraine was influenced by a number of factors, in particular transactions with bank payment cards, are extremely profitable for banks, because, on the one hand, expand the range of bank services, making it more attractive to customers; on the other hand they are a powerful source of resources in both foreign and national currencies, and provides intensification of the bank's activities, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the bank's costs, primarily for staff salaries and rent. An important factor hindering the development of electronic payments in Ukraine is the high level of cash use in payments in the country's economy. Keywords: plastic card, electronic payment means, banks which are the participants of card payment systems, operations with payment cards, indicators of the electronic payment means market

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