
Actual problems of the geostrategic territories’ demographic development are remaining a serious challenge for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. Demographic contraction, a drop in the birth rate and an outflow of the population lead to depopulation and desertification of key regions and hinder effective development and economic activity. Solving the most complex problems related to issues of spatial development requires the use of new theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of demographic processes in the territorial context, as well as modern tools for spatial analysis. The article deals with the current demographic problems of the geostrategic and border areas of Russian Federation through the prism of spatial demography, a scientific direction that is practically not represented in Russia. The main attention of the authors is paid to the study of definitions and methodological apparatus of spatial demography in foreign science. Differences in the subject of research between population geography, regional demography and spatial demography are considered. The author's definition of spatial demography, its subject and research approaches are formulated. The authors propose an alternative approach to the study of the problems of the demographic development of the territory, using methods of spatial analysis (including cartographic materials and GIS models). The paper presents both the theoretical aspects of the concept of «spatial demography» and the assessment of the current demographic situation of the geostrategic regions of the country based on the proposed methodology and mapping of key trends in the demographic development of Russia's geostrategic territories. The authors paid special attention to the study of demographic trends in the municipalities of the geostrategic territories of Siberia and the Far East in the context of their special geographical and resource potential, as well as the complexity of the demographic situation.

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