
A determination of real attenuation of information signal's radiation on a way from the source to a possible location of intelligence devices is considered to be the most difficult operation while assessing information security against leakage of electromagnetic emanation. In this context the problem of automation of this kind of measurement is of great interest. It takes considerable effort and time to measure the attenuation by existing automated systems. That is why the measurements are generally taken within the limited range of frequencies only. Along with that, a spectre of a single information impulse has a leaf-structure and is solid on every frequency leaf. So electromagnetic field intensity attenuation measurement carried on the some preselected frequencies is not able to represent the complete attenuation characteristics. The measurements of attenuation in the whole informative signal spectre within the given frequency range requires a few thousand measurements, which makes the current method ineffective and time consuming. The relevant specialized automatized measurement systems of security verification has active protection system noise measurement mode, which can be used to measure the real attenuation. In this article a rather exact method of real attenuation of informative signal of video subsystem of electron-ray tube monitor measurement is described and confirmed in experiment. The measurements were made using specialized automatized system “Sigurd” and video subsystem informative signal noise generator. The described method allows a significant reduction of the time needed for specialized investigations of security verification on electromagnetic emanation.


  • В процессе обработки информации средства вычислительной техники излучают информативные электромагнитные волны

  • Голландский инженер Вим ван Эйк, используя устройство в виде доработанного телевизионного приемника, продемонстрировал перехват информации с монитора компьютера, который находился рядом в здании [2]

  • Abdullin Determined Factor Parameter Analysis for System of Information Recovery from USB-Keyboard Compromising Emanations, International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium - Italy (ACES), March 2017, Pages 1-2, DOI:10.23919/ROPACES.2017.7916332

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ИНФОРМАТИВНЫХ СИГНАЛОВ ПОБОЧНЫХ ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНЫХ ИЗЛУЧЕНИЙ. Безопасность информационных технологий, [S.l.], n. 2, p. 38-53, 2018. ISSN 2074-7136. Доступно на: . Дата доступа: apr. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.26583/bit.2018.2.03.

Описание метода определения реального затухания
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