
The article focuses on the substantive features of the economic tasks of the unified state examination in mathematics and the methodological features of preparing schoolchildren to solve them. The necessity and methodological expediency of these tasks in the structure of the profile exam in mathematics is justified. Special attention is paid to the formalization process - the first and mandatory stage of solving mathematical problems of economic content, as well as solving problems in various ways with the possibility of the student choosing a rational method of solving. Typical errors of students when working with economic tasks of the unified state examination in mathematics arising at different stages of educational and cognitive activity are highlighted. Recommendations for mathematics teachers are presented, the observance of which helps to overcome these mistakes and difficulties of students. Disaggregated and methodically characterized methods of solving one of the economic problems of the unified state examination in mathematics can be extended to tasks of different types and various socio-economic content. An important place in the system of presented methods is the vector-coordinate method and the method of using the properties of functions - traditionally not sufficiently applied in the school course of mathematics, but fully accessible to high school pupils. The selected methodological features of preparation for solving economic problems can be useful for improving the system of preparation of schoolchildren for passing the unified state examination in mathematics, as well as for updating the content of vocational guidance work with high school pupils.

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