
The closure of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS) and the introduction of its lands into the national economic circulation makes it possible to carry out various economic activities on its territory. Such activity also includes the development of the Karazhyra coal deposit located on its territory. During the nuclear tests, technogenic radionuclides contaminated the upper soil layer of this deposit, as well as groundwater. Currently, during overburden operations and subsequent coal mining, intensive dust formation occurs, which leads to secondary pollution by wind transfer of technogenic radionuclides, which leads to an expansion of the polluted area over the territory adjacent to the landfill. At the same time, the direction of transfer largely depends on the wind rose, which changes throughout the year. The transfer of radionuclides also occurs when contaminated coal is transported by road to Semey to industrial enterprises, as well as to the population of private houses. To ensure monitoring of the development of secondary pollution of this deposit and the territory adjacent to the landfill, it is necessary, in order to safely conduct economic activities, in particular cadastral activities, to display the level of pollution and the dynamics of its expansion on boundary plans. In this regard, consideration of this issue is relevant and timely. The article indicates the types of work that have an impact on the radiation situation of the environment, including on the lands adjacent to the Karazhyr coal mine. It has been established that the method of performing geodetic and cadastral work will be influenced by the level of territory contamination with technogenic radio nuclides. To display the level of pollution at different horizons, a method for creating a three-dimensional map of the deposit and a part of the territory adjacent to it is proposed.

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