
Hip joint dysplasia among children - congenital hypoplasia of femoral head, or congenital increased mobility of the joint due to the weakness of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus. Such a violation of the hip joint elements development (one or both) leads to an incorrect interposition of the joint structures, whereby the femoral head is displaced relative to the articular surface, formed subluxation, pre-dislocation or joint dislocation. This is a severe and common disease of the musculoskeletal system. Since medical treatment for dysplasia among newborn is not provided, and surgery is required only in extreme cases, therefore, active methods in the fight against this pathology are: specific orthopedic devices, physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy. Thanks to these components, treatment therapy will strengthen the muscles, accelerate recovery, it will be fast and unobtrusive for the child. In this regard, we have developed the structure and content of physical rehabilitation for infants with hip joint dysplasia. This course was designed for four weeks and was developed a set of rehabilitation measures. The content of the course of physical rehabilitation includes orthopedic correction with the help of special devices, massage, therapeutic gymnastics in combination with fitball gymnastics and therapeutic swimming, physiotherapy. To assess the effectiveness of the physical rehabilitation program developed by us, we conduct an ascertaining pedagogical experiment - testing, clearly demonstrating the functional and motor state of the hip joints of the subjects before the beginning of the forming pedagogical experiment and at its end.

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