
The purpose — to study the dynamics of serum selenium and cadmium levels in patients with a moderate form of tick-borne rickettsiosis caused by R. heilongjiangensis, depending on the disease stage, with a view of identifying the relationship between the studied trace elements. Material and methods. The levels of cadmium and selenium were studied and analyzed in patients with a moderate form of tick-borne rickettsiosis caused by R. heilongjiangensis, without concomitant chronic diseases in the decompensation stage. Results. It was found that the average level of cadmium in the blood serum of patients at the height of the disease was statistically significantly increased by 1.5 times, which was combined with a significant decrease of 1.3 times in the level of selenium to critical values. During the convalescence period, the cadmium level significantly decreased, having no significant differences with the comparison group, while the selenium level increased reliably by the time of discharge relative to the height of the disease. Correlation analysis revealed a reliable negative relationship of intermediate strength between the selenium and cadmium content in blood serum. Conclusion. The data obtained, indicating the formation of critical cadmium redundancy against the background of selenium deficiency in patients with a moderate form at the height of tick-borne rickettsiosis caused by R. heilongjiangensis, testify to the conjugation of the processes of selenium and cadmium statuses. The imbalance of the studied trace elements is probably reflected in a decrease in the activity of antioxidant antiradical protection.

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