
The aim of this study is to find the distribution and semantic function of cataphora based on quantitative research in social media news. When looking at the frequency from 2015 to 2020, it was being used more frequently than before. By section, it was frequently used in “culture” and “entertainment” then “social” and “political”. The cataphora often appears in combination with specific adverbs or exclamations, or in combination with extreme or exaggerated expressions, indicating that the cataphora have a more systematic function for discourse functions. In terms of combination, the cataphora, combined with nouns or investigations, clearly indicate specific people or situations, but use rhetorical techniques that cause interest because they do not explicitly reveal the person or event they are subject to using correspondence. The range of cataphora, the target of coordination, which is directed by the cataphora in the title, was often implicit in sentences, images, or discourse, not only in the trailing vocabulary, therefore it was used in various ways. if the main information is covered by a cataphora, it could create a misunderstanding amongst the readers.

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