
The article discusses the problem of personal-professional modeling of the operational and official functioning of employees of operational units of the internal affairs bodies. A model of personal and professional suitability of employees of the units to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is proposed, taking into account the specific characteristics of the activity and features of the region. Conceptual and theoretical modeling within the framework of personal-professional diagnostics and professional selection involves building a holistic concept of psychological diagnostics and its theoretical justification, which allows to improve the quality and efficiency of operational-service functioning. In the article, modeling is understood as a systematization of the psychological characteristics of the activities of police officers in certain typical professional situations, which allows you to create a generalized professiogram of the specialist’s activity, which is used in professional psychological selection, staff selection, and in the process of professional and psychological preparation. The object of the study is the operational and official functioning of employees of operational units. The subject of the research is the model of personal and professional suitability of employees of the operational investigative unit to ensure the safety of persons subject to state protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The hypothesis of the study: the model of personal and professional suitability of an employee of the unit for ensuring the safety of persons subject to state protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), taking into account the specific characteristics of the activity, can improve the quality of their operational and official functioning.
 The professiographic analysis made it possible to single out the basic structural elements of the personality-professional profile. The following groups of professionally important qualities are attributed to these elements: verbal thinking, emotional-volitional, communicative-organizational, moral and ethical, business qualities, as well as such a characteristic as physiological reserves of the body.

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