
The aim of the research is to develop a methodology for studying the socio-psychological climate in teams of students of educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
 Theoretical grounds for the methodology were the ideas that the main structural elements that make up the socio-psychological climate in teams of students are: features of the organisation of educational and professional activities; features of the daily living, material and sanitary conditions in an educational organisation; nature of the relationship between students and teachers, students and officers, students’ relationships with each other; emotional and physical well-being of students; features of the organisation of extracurricular (scientific, sports and creative) activities; opportunities for meeting existential needs (in self-actualisation, self-development, etc.).
 These factors form the basis of the scales of the methodology being developed. The methodology also contains an overall scale that reflects the integral level of socio-psychological climate in a team.
 The points in the methodology are represented with statements and questions, asking respondents to answer them in a dichotomous way. Open-ended questions are also included to collect additional information. The processing of the results is limited to calculating the percentages of interviewees satisfied with the various aspects of the socio-psychological climate represented in separate scales of the methodology. On the basis of these data, a conclusion about the level of socio-psychological climate in the team is made. The climate can be satisfactory, unstable or unsatisfactory.
 The methodology is characterised by satisfactory values of discriminativeness, internal consistency reliability, construct validity and criterion validity. The procedure for collecting and processing the results is standardised.

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