
Purpose: Substantiating the parameters of the method of using alternative energy sources for the year-round supply of thermostabilized water to enterprises producing concrete, due to establishing the regularities of the functioning of the geothermal heat exchanger. Methodology: a comprehensive approach, which includes theoretical studies of heat transfer from the massif to the geothermal heat exchanger, calculation and analytical method for determining the main parameters of the geothermal heat exchanger. Results: a subsurface thermal energy extraction installation was developed, due to the use of a geothermal heat exchanger, which will allow year-round production of thermostabilized water from shallow non-potable reservoirs. Scientific novelty: the study of heat transfer from the massif to the geothermal heat exchanger made it possible to determine the dependence of the length of the geothermal heat exchanger on its diameter. Water heating to 8°С in winter and water cooling to 20°С in summer will be provided by a geothermal heat exchanger with a length of 28 m and a pipe diameter of 0.5 m. Further increase in the diameter of the pipes will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the TRP. Practical significance: obtaining thermostabilized water throughout the year will create conditions for year-round operation of concrete-making enterprises for the intensive restoration of Donbass.

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