
At the present time, DSTU GOST 10791:2016 is in force in Ukraine, which regulates the technical requirements for solid-rolled railway wheels. From January 1, 2024, the national standard of confirmation will be DSTU EN 13262:2022 (EN 13262:2020, IDT) "Railways. Wheels and carts. Wheels. Product requirements" (Railway applications. Wheelsets and bogies. Wheels. Product requirement). At the same time, the main national consumer of wagon wheels has an infrastructure that has been built and operated for many decades taking into account the profile and quality indicators of railway wheels manufactured in accordance with DSTU GOST 10791 "Solid-rolled wheels. Technical requirements" (GOST 10791, IDT). Today, the main domestic consumer is technically not ready to switch to the use of wheels in accordance with European regulatory documents, but at the same time, the requirements of DSTU GOST 10791 are morally and technically outdated and do not correspond to the modern level of complexity of operating conditions and the significantly increased actual level of quality of railway wheels. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations regarding the main technical requirements of the new national standard for railway wagon wheels, which correspond to the current stage of development of equipment and technologies based on the results of a comparative analysis of the requirements of DSTU GOST 10791:2016, the international standard GOST 10791-2011 and the European standard EN 13262:2020 regarding of the main indicators of the quality of railway wheels: mechanical properties, chemical composition, contamination by non-metallic inclusions and structural condition of steels for railway wheels. Accordingly, DSTU 1.2:2015 "National standardization. The rules for carrying out work on national standardization", which regulates the procedure for developing, agreeing, approving, distributing, checking, revising, changing and canceling standards, the first edition of the project of the new national standard of the DSTU "WHEELS FOR RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK" was developed. Technical conditions" to replace DSTU GOST 10791:2016 "Solid wheels. Technical conditions".

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