
Connections between the psychological sovereignty and social beliefs: belief in a just world, religiosity, reward application, fate control were exanimated. 288 respondents (Mage = 23,7), 66 males participated in the survey. The foolowing tools were used: the Sovereignty of the psychological space questionnaire — 2010 (Nartova-Bochaver, 2014), the General and Personal Belief in a Just World Scales (Dalbert, 1999), and the Social axioms survey (Leung et al., 2002; Tatarko, Lebedeva, 2008). There has been found that social beliefs differ depending on the sovereignty level. In addition, it has been revealed that in deprived individuals the body and territory sovereignty predicted the social beliefs, and in super-sovereign individuals the regime habits and territory sovereignty did. In the group of moderate sovereignty there weren’t any significant connections. It was concluded that the most adapted group is free of typical beliefs as a form of social stereotypes.

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