
The method of ultrasound diagnostics in suspected for-eign intestinal body in small pets is discussed. This method is characterized by its noninvasiveness. The research goal was to reveal diagnostic significance of ultrasound exami-nation of the intestine in the presence of foreign bodies. The research objectives were as following: to study basic ultrasound characteristics of foreign bodies in the intestine of small domestic animals; to study the influence of antie-metic preparation based on maropitrate citrate on the in-formative value of the study. The research was carried out in the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of the State Agricultural University of Northern Trans-Uralsand in the veterinary clinics of the City of Tyumen. Ultrasonic diagnos-tics was carried out in 73 cats and 38 dogs with suspected foreign intestinal bodies. The examination was carried out using linear, convex and microconvex transducers with different frequencies according to standard research meth-ods. Fifteen cats were given an antiemetic drug -maropi-tant citrate at a dose of 1 mg per 1 kg before the ultrasound examination. It has been found that ultrasound is an in-formative method of diagnosing linear foreign bodies; they collect the intestine in a corrugation and go as a linear hy-perechogenic formation. Solid foreign bodies give an echo-genic appearance which suggests their presence in the intestine. Other foreign bodies may be detected by indirect signs. The main indirect signs of obstruction on ultrasound examination include pendulous peristalsis, dilatation above the obstruction site, decreased peristalsis, and overflow of intestinal contents. When studying the peculiarity of ultra-sound examination when using maropitrate citrate, de-creased peristalsis was detected and subsequently poor recognition of pendulum-like movements which negatively affected the diagnostic value of the method.

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