
The relevance of the development of algorithms for managing a group of UAVs in the event ofcrisis situations that affect the performance of the task is substantiated. An algorithm for autonomouscollective (decentralized) control of a group of UAVs is described when performing the target task oftransporting goods, as well as combined control in the event of crisis situations when the autonomouscontrol mode cannot be fully implemented. The algorithm for working out a crisis situation in case of alack of energy resources on board the UAV and the return of group agents to the starting position isdescribed in detail. The results of modeling the movement of a group of UAVs of multirotor and aircrafttypes and working out a crisis situation for managing a group of UAVs based on information about thereserves of energy or fuel resources are presented. During the experiment, iteratively calculated theremaining fuel when the UAV moved to the landing point, as well as the amount of fuel available to theUAV at a given time. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the time for calculating the balanceof the energy resource does not exceed 6.792 ms. If the leader runs out of fuel, the cargo transportationmission ends ahead of schedule, since it cannot be completed without the participation of theleader. If several slaves fail, the mission can be continued if their number does not exceed a predeterminedvalue, which is critical for the continuation of the cargo delivery mission. The results of experimentalstudies on modeling the flight of an UAV with a load are presented, during which a flight routewas built that simulates a curvilinear trajectory of movement in urban conditions from the starting pointto the end point, where the UAV is landing and transferring the cargo. In the experiments, the developedUAV and the onboard fastening system of the thermal container were used. During flight tests, the averagehorizontal speed of the UAV was set to 10 m/s. The length of the flight was 5350 m. The flight timewas 13 minutes. 51 seconds.

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