
The study objective is to reduce the number of cases of electrical injuries at work.
 Research methods. Modern software tools for the development of educational content are analyzed. Adobe Captivate software shell was chosen as the basis for the development of the interactive simulator. An algorithm and structure of all blocks of the simulator have been developed for training electrical personnel safe methods of work in electrical installations of railways. Based on the flow sheet “Checking the condition, adjustment and repair of the aerial frog”, an interactive simulator was developed, consisting of video presentations, text passages from regulatory documents, instructions and rules of work, test tasks, as well as video materials filmed at full-scale production in real conditions of Far Eastern Railway operation. 
 The novelty of the work: an interactive simulator for learning electrical safety methods of work on the contact network of AC railways is developed and patented.
 Conclusions: an interactive simulator has been introduced at the Far Eastern Management for Energy Supply - a structural subdivision of Transenergo - a branch of OAO "Russian Railways", and is also used in the educational process when training students of the Department of Power Supply Systems at FESTU for the training program "Train Traffic Control Systems“ of the specialty ”Railway Power Supply".

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