
The task of managing the risks of project activities in the departmental regulatory framework remains unresolved in accordance with the recommendations of the national standard, international standards and the recommendations of established international project management practices and, accordingly, does not have systematic methodological support.Changes in the content of work (procedures), the redistribution of roles and powers of process participants that change as a result of informatization, requires measures to attract process participants to informatization projects before the automatic system moves from the development stage to the implementation and operation stage. The costs of attracting process participants as an expert environment at the stages of conceptual design, development and testing are significantly less than the costs of correcting deviations or inconsistencies of the automatic system at the operational stage. To avoid inhibition of the creation of the Unified management information system by defense resources, it is necessary to take into account the already existing world experience of typical risks that can lead to problems.The purpose of the article is to identify factors that may affect the project, justify approaches to the content of preventive measures for the treatment of risks relating to scientific departments, the customer and contractors, and to formulate proposals.The practical value of building a risk management system significantly reduces the scale of an organization’s losses in the event of occurrence of events defined as an identified risk and for which preventive measures and response scenarios are developed, increases the organization’s stability in case of unforeseen events and increases the likelihood of events that are favorable for achieving the organization’s goals.The article gives examples and specific directions for taking risks and opportunities into account when drawing up plans for risk management by stakeholders during the project to create a UISI for defense resources. The proposals on supplementing the existing departmental regulatory framework for risk management with regulatory documents regarding the organization of project management, in particular in the field of risk management, which should include measures for the audit of risk management, are justified.

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