
Statement of the problem. Solving the problem of psychological and pedagogical support for parents requires studying the request for psychological assistance from their side. In our opinion, this can be done by studying social ideas of modern parents about various aspects of the parenthood phenomenon. The purpose of the article is to present a comparative analysis of semantic cores of ideas about parenthood in adults with and without children. Materials and methods. The research methodology is represented by the concept of social representations by S. Moscovici, as well as generalized studies in the field of social representations by Russian and foreign scientists (K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, G. M. Andreeva, E. Yu. Artemyeva, O. E. Baskansky, I. B. Bovina, M. I. Volovikova, T. P. Emelyanova, I. Markova, L. G. Pochebut, P. N. Shikhirev, E. V. Yakimova, J. K. Abrik, P. Verges, D. Jodle). Research results. The core of ideas about parenting in adults with and without children are concepts that reflect emotional and behavioral components of parenthood. According to Russian adults who do not have children, parenthood is a responsible and very complex phenomenon, and this can make them postpone child birth. In the minds of potential parents, there is a fairly idealized image of a parent who has remarkable personal qualities, is understanding, caring, and knows how to raise a model child. This largely explains their references to “not being ready” to be a parent, as well as subsequent dissatisfaction with the experience of parenthood, when the ideal image does not correspond to reality. Conclusion. Differences in understanding the concept of parenting in people who have and do not have children clearly describe the crisis experienced by parents when their expectations of parenthood do not meet the reality in which the parental role is performed. In this regard, programs of psychological preparation for parenthood are important, as well as psychological and pedagogical support for young parents in the process of developing their parental competence.

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