
The aim of the study: Analysis of carbon stocks in soils and vegetation on the territory of the Pilot Carbon Polygon “Ugra”. Location and time of the study. Kaluga region, Ugra National Park, March–October, 2020. Methodology. The study was carried out on soils of four land use types: i) arable lands, ii) abandoned arable lands under grassland vegetation, iii) young forest vegetation (25–30 years old), and iv) mature mixed forest (75–80 years old). Two-four plots were located in each land use type. Soil samples were taken up to 50 cm by 10 cm layers. The content of organic carbon (Corg), total nitrogen (N), and the C/N ratio were determined. Considering soil density, the Corg and N stocks were calculated in the top 20 and top 50 cm. In the top 20 cm, the particle size distribution, pH(KCl), water holding capacity (WHC), and microbial properties (basal respiration, BR and content of microbial biomass, Cmic) were determined. Based on the forest inventory, the carbon stocks in phytomass and mortmass (dead trees) were estimated. Main results. The Retisols of the Carbon Polygon “Ugra” are characterized by a sandy loamy texture and slightly acidic (arable and abandoned lands) or acidic (forest areas) reaction. Microbial activity in the top 20 cm of soil decreases in the following order: abandoned lands under grassland > young forest stands (25–30 years old) > arable lands > mature mixed forest. The BR variability was determined by 86–90 % by the Cmic content. The highest Corg stock in the 0–50 cm layer was in the arable soils (65.4±4.4 t C/ha), and the lowest Corg stock (41.4±0.4 t C/ha) was observed in the soils under young forest. The C/N ratio in the top 10 cm varied from 8.9 to 17.6 and depended on the composition of plant litter at the soil surface. The main C pool in the forest ecosystems, regardless of their age, was the phytomass of woody plants. This C pool exceeded the total Corg stocks in the 50-cm soil layer by 1.6 and 4 times in young forest and mature mixed forest, respectively. The total C stocks in the mature mixed forest were 3 times larger than in young forest stands. Conclusions. The C stocks and the state of the soils of the Carbon Polygon “Ugra” depend on the current land use type, which in turn determines the composition of plant residues input on and in the soil. This is the reason for the most distinct differences between the studied soils in terms of Corg and N content, C/N ratio, and microbial characteristics. The age of forest stands is a key factor determining the total C stocks in soils and forest biomass.


  • Цель исследования: характеристика почв и определение запасов углерода в лесной растительности на территории пилотного карбонового полигона «Угра»

  • Two-four plots were located in each land use type

  • The C stocks and the state of the soils of the Carbon Polygon “Ugra” depend on the current land use type, which in turn determines the composition of plant residues input on and in the soil

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Запасы углерода (Stock Сорг, т С/га) в каждом 10-см слое исследуемых почв определяли по формуле: Stock Сорг = Content Сорг × BD × h (1), где Content Сорг – абсолютное среднее содержание Cорг в слое (%), BD – плотность почвы (г/см3), h – мощность слоя, см. Содержание углерода микробной биомассы (Смик) определяли методом субстратиндуцированного дыхания (Anderson, Domsch, 1978) в почвенных образцах после измерения БД и внесения 1 мл раствора глюкозы из расчёта 10 мг глюкозы на 1 г почвы. Определение запасов стволовой древесины и оценка общих запасов углерода в фитомассе и мортмассе базировалось на данных сплошной перечислительной таксации древостоя в пределах организованных пробных площадей (ПП), выполненной согласно Общесоюзным нормативам для таксации лесов (1989). Запас углерода в фитомассе (Сфито, т С/га) рассчитывали по формуле: Сфито = М х КР (5), где М – объем стволовой древесины, м3/га; КР – конверсионный коэффициент для пересчёта запаса стволовой древесины в углерод фитомассы

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