
The paper presents a database for estimation the magnitude of the settlement of an extended slab foundation of finite stiffness in the initial phase of projecting. The offered solution uses only interpolation methods without involving powerful computing devices. The computer program FEA, which formalises the finite element method, was used to obtain the result. The maximum horizontal and vertical dimensions of the computational schemes were 25H3•46H3. The computational scheme consisted of 57 500 finite elements in the form of right isosceles triangles conjugated at 29 106 nodes. The width of the stiffness matrix of the linear equation system was 466. This made it possible to eliminate the influence of trivial boundary conditions on the results. 560 computational operations were performed. It corresponded to the number of possible combinations of numerical values of the variables calculated parameters adopted in computer modelling of process of the slab foundation settlement. As an upshot of the computations, the authors made a table of coefficients of approximating expressions for the curves constructed from the results of the calculated dependences of slab foundation settlement on the variable design parameters. The article provides a calculation of settlements of two extended slab foundations of different widths, using a constructed database and interpolation methods. The control calculation in the FEA showed the difference between the values of the control settlements and the values obtained using the proposed tables and the linear interpolation method for 13.45 and 22.08 %. Summing up the results, the offered database can be used for preliminary (estimation) calculations of extended slab foundations settlements.

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