
This article focuses on the implementation of the national programme "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" and the federal project "Human Resources for the Digital Economy" in the organisation of the mining and metallurgical complex. The object of the study is e-learning systems. The subject of the study is the processes of using e-learning systems in the organization-basis of the study relating to the mining and metallurgical complex in Russia. The aim of the work is to develop recommendations for the management of organizations that are going to implement distance learning technology in the educational processes of staff. The methodology of the study includes a survey of employees of the organisation under study on the attitude and quality of training in an e-learning system. The experience of personnel training in enterprises with the help of different information systems is considered. The focus is on the analysis of the use of the training and control system "Olympox" in the organisation of the mining and metallurgy industry. The results of an employee survey are given to find out their attitude to the introduction of an electronic learning information system and to the organization of training processes in it. Recommendations on the improvement of information training systems used for personnel assessment and development are offered. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that the quality of personnel development depends on the competent combination of training in a face-to-face format with technology that allows you to practice theory in the form of tests and open questions and practice in the form of cases and exercises to practice working situations in conditions as close to the real.


  • This article focuses on the implementation of the national programme "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" and the federal project "Human Resources for the Digital Economy" in the organisation of the mining and metallurgical complex

  • The subject of the study is the processes of using e-learning systems in the organization-basis of the study relating to the mining and metallurgical complex in Russia

  • The results of an employee survey are given to find out their attitude to the introduction of an electronic learning information system and to the organization of training processes in it

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Татьяна Владимировна Селиванова

Что наиболее часто пользователями систем дистанционного обучения персонала являются компании, которым необходимо регулярно проводить множество семинаров о продуктах и услугах компании для большого количества сотрудников, а также организации, которым необходимо обучать персонал на т. Б. Андре­евой [25] выявлены самые популярные способы оценки эффективности дистанционного обучения – анкетирование сотрудников, прошедших дистанционное обучение, и интервьюирование административного персонала организации. А. Джабазян было изучено мнение сотрудников группы компаний Нижегородского масло-­ жирового комбината (НМЖК), которая на момент проведения исследования только готовилась внедрить дистанционное обучение в процессы развития персонала [23, с. В ходе анкетирования сотрудников обоих учреждений на предмет понимания целей дистанционного обучения, его достоинств и недостатков выявлено, что дистанционное обучение, с точки зрения персонала, было введено прежде всего с целью сокращения затрат и экономии времени на обучение. Экспресс-тест по курсу – последовательные ответы на все вопросы всех тем курса;

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